Sortly allows you to customize and personalize the app with your company's details! You can add a logo, adjust the color settings, and more.
In this article, we will go over how to edit and update the following:
Company Details
While in Sortly, navigate to the Company Details page. Click on the fields or select the pencil icon to edit (specific to the logo). The Company Details page is split into four sections - Company Info, Company Logo, General Settings, Delete account
From there, you can edit the following:
- Company Name
- Industry
- App Color
- Initials
- Company Logo
Please note: The company logo image should be around 300px by 100px to appear accurate in Sortly.
General Settings
Ensure your time zone, currency, and date format fit your needs! In the General Settings section, you can manage the following:
The country for the account will default to the country at registration (based on the locale at registration), but you can change the country manually.
Time Zone
The time zone will be defaulted based on your current local browser/device. You can manually change the time zone if needed, which will only impact the web experience.
The account time zone is used for the following:
Triggering date alerts:
Date alerts will trigger at 8:00 AM in your account based on the time zone selected.
In the Activity History report, the Date & Time will show in CSV exports for all users.
Triggering Weekly Reports:
The weekly Report should trigger at 8:00 AM in your account's timezone on Monday.
Displaying date in the date range filters on the Activity History screen, Alerts Screen, All Transactions screen
Displaying Transaction Date on the Transaction screen
Date of the exported PDF report in the footer of the report
Time Format
The time format can be either 12 or 24-hour based on your preference. Changing the time format will affect the entire system (including alerts and reports).
Date Format
The default date is based on the account's country (locale) settings. If the location is not selected, the date format will default to MM/DD/YYYY.
You can change the format manually, and it will show in both the web and mobile experiences. Please note the date format will be the same for all users on the account.
The account date format will be displayed on all screens showing the date (excluding PDF export). CSV and XLSX exports will display the selected date format, and PDF exports will continue to show the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
The default currency will be set based on country, but you can change the currency manually. The currency will show in both the web and mobile experiences. Please note the currency will be the same for all users on the account. The currency will be set to USD if the location is not detected.
Move Preferences (Keep item with 0 qty after the move)
The zero quantity feature allows you to predetermine what action is taken when an item with a quantity of zero is moved. You can choose to Always keep the item, Always ask to keep the item, or Never.
When the “Always ask” setting is selected, users will be prompted to select an option each time an item is moved.
When the “Never” setting is selected, the item with zero quantity will automatically be moved to the trash.
- When the “Always” setting is selected, items with a zero quantity will remain in the folder.
If you don't want your items with a zero quantity to be moved to the Trash, we suggest selecting the Always option.
Decimals in Price
The default setting for prices will be 2 decimal places with the option to select up to 6 decimal places:
General Preferences
- Time Zone - ability to set automatically based on your location
- Catalog View - Set the default view to Grid, List, or Table
- Sort by - Set the default sort by list to Name, Updated At, Quantity, Total Value
Email Preferences
- Choose if you want email alerts to be sent to the email address associated with your account
Accessibility Options
- Enable High Contrast Mode