How to Create Item Variants

Item variants allow you to create variants nested under a single item, similar to how you would use subfolders within a folder. Think of these items as sub-items under the primary item.

Adding Item Variants 

Follow the steps below to set up variants within your new items. Keep in mind that once these variants have been created, new variants cannot be retroactively added to the same item. 

NOTE: Item variants will only work for NEW items created in Sortly. Any preexisting items will not have the option to add variations to them. There is a limit of 3 attributes.

To begin working with item variants, you will go to the items tab. Once on this tab, you will begin by clicking Add New at the top right of the page and then selecting Add Item.

  1. When you hit Add Item, a pop-up window will appear, showing you all the available fields and options you have when adding an item. In this example, we are going to use a T-shirt to break down how item variants work within Sortly.
  2. Begin by giving the item a name and a quantity. All other fields are optional, but you will see an option to toggle on "This item has variants". mceclip0.png
  3. If your items have variants, you will want to toggle this setting on. This will then enable the following options for you:mceclip1.png
  4. Here you will start with the specific Attributes and Options of the items. These could be variants such as Size, Color, Material, or Style just to name a few:mceclip2.png
  5. Once you have added all of the variants to your items, you will hit the NEXT button
  6. The system will put together all of the possible combinations of the attributes you've included. You will then add the quantities for the items with variants seen here:
  7. mceclip3.png
  8. Once you have the variant combinations matched up to your physical inventory, hit the ADD button. Upon hitting the add button, you have successfully made your first item with variants in Sortly.

When the item variant has been created, you will then see from a high level identifying traits that indicate the item has variations. You can see this here:


When you click on an item with variants you will see the following content within the item:mceclip2.png

Each of these items (Size & Color) will be treated as an individual entry which you can then add additional content to the item like tags, pricing, value, min level, etc. 

Generating QR Labels or Barcodes from Item Variants

The top-level item will have a unique Sortly ID, but each variant created under the single item will have its own Sortly ID (SID). This makes it possible to generate unique QR labels or barcodes for each item variant.

The easiest way to create unique QR labels or barcodes for all of your item variants is by bulk selecting all the variants and selecting Create Label from the bulk edit options, as seen below:







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