How to Set Up Your Sortly Inventory

In Sortly, organizing your inventory, assets, or consumption starts with setting up your folder structure. You can create folders and subfolders based on location, category, or any other classification that fits your needs.


For instance, if you manage items for specific jobs, you might create a folder for Available Inventory and separate folders for each job. If you oversee items across different locations or stores, you will create separate folders for each location or store.


Setup for Tracking Inventory

You can organize folders (and subfolders) by location, category, or any other classification that suits your needs.

If you manage an inventory of items used for specific jobs, you could create a main folder for Available Inventory and separate folders for each individual job.


If you manage items moved between locations, stores, or warehouses, you will set up separate folders for each location, store, or warehouse.



Setup for Tracking Assets or Consumption

If you are using Sortly for consumption or asset tracking, rather than moving items between folders, you should update the quantities and specify a reason for the change (e.g., consumed, sold, restocked). Additionally, adding a Transaction Note lets you capture further details about the quantity change.


You can then view your Transaction Notes in the Reports tab of your Sortly account here:


Video Tutorial

You can view how to create and set up folders and items in the short video below:

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