What is a Unique Item?


Unique Items allow you to add and track the product lines, SKUs, equipment types etc. in your inventory. Note: quantities of a Unique Item do not count towards your Unique Item limit.

The Free plan includes 100 Unique Items. Sortly Advanced offers 500 Unique Items, Sortly Ultra gives 2,000, Sortly Premium allows for 5,000, and Sortly Enterprise has unlimited Unique Items. You can always delete items to make space for more Unique Items if needed.

Quick Facts:

  • The quantity of items does not affect the Unique Item count.
  • Item clones that share a SID do not affect the Unique Item count.
  • Variants with unique SIDs count toward your Unique Item limit.

You can always find your current Unique Item count in the billing info section (https://app.sortly.com/billing-info) of the web app.

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